Dec 28, 2006

Keep the Hope Alive!

2007 is just a few days away and the Ethiopian Millennium isn't that far either. Nevertheless that country that we dearly love still languishes in the hands of few who have despise its history and continually undermine its territorial integrity. Now as we approach the western world's new year our country is immersed in yet another unnecessary and non-sense war. Now more than ever our country is surrounded by hostile nations and elements who wish its disintegration. The root cause of all these problems is none other than the so called dictators in the heartland of our country. Instead of hopes and new practical resolutions that could strengthen the unity and prosperity of our people, the so called leaders are fermenting tensions and conflicts to continue their repression and grip on power.

However, it is up to the individual Ethiopian to keep its hope alive and fight 'till the end when we all achieve our freedom. We can not back down from now on. We have to make sure that the next generation do not carry our burden, our problems, and our failures. Our forefathers have sustained these country of ours for thousands of years it is up to us to continue these legacy.

I hope and which 2007 and the many more years to come be years of freedom, prosperity, peace, and unity. I wish all our people to breath freedom and democracy. I wish all the imprisoned CUD leaders, civic leaders, human rights defenders, journalists, and all freedom fighter to be free and our Ethiopia to march forward together.

So, wherever you are Happy New Year 2007!

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