Oct 27, 2007

What is the Population Size of Wolqait-Tegede?

The above table shows a partial population statistics by sex for "Kafta Humera," Welqait, and Tegede from 2004 to 2005. You can see the full statistics here
My questions in regards to these numbers are:
  1. If these numbers accurately reflect the population size on the ground?
  2. If these numbers show the population size of the native inhabitants only or if they include the settlers (Tigrayans) too?

I don't have any other (independent) statistics to question the numbers. However, from what friends and close relatives who have visited the areas in recent years, the population on the ground is perhaps maybe two or three times of what is being reported by the Central Statistical Agency.

It is estimated that the population size of the native inhabitants is around 300,000. In recent times, particularly since the annexation of this areas into Tigray has caused a major influx of new Tigrayan settlers that have overwhelmed the local population. Some say that more than 300,000 Tigrayans have settled in Wolqait-Tegede (more than 1 tgrayan for every 1 native inhabitant). Most of these Tigrayans have taken over the fertile low-land agricultural farm lands in and around Humera and the native inhabitants have been forced to resettle in the highlands where farmlands are infertile.

There is fear on some parts of the native community leaders and elders of the local inhabitants that this massive influx of Tigrayan settlers is diluting the unique linguistic heritage and sense of identity of the native inhabitants. This is in addition of the economic burden that have been levied against the locals. Moreover, the population increase has a significant environmental damage that has reached a breaking point. Many of native plants and wildlife are in brink of extinction.

***Also notice that the population has increased by only 6,607 from 2004 to 2005. How is it possible for a population of that size to increase only by 6,000? I wonder if the Chinese 1 child policy has been instituted in those areas!



Anonymous said...

I don't need to appreciate you and others that are against the woyane atrocity in the wolkit-Tegede Territory. Because heroism is naturally in your blood. Your mothers’ breast are not producing milk to feed children that will be weak, ignorance, selfish and abandoned own people and territory. You are the Ethiopian heroes before anyone else. Your history says it all. Keep it up.

Woyane is not badly affecting only Gonder, but also wello, Gojjam and shewa. A vast territory of wello is today became part of Tigry.

Keep it up the issue updating and alive. Many people are reading it. It is informative and can be used as a document. It is a matter of time. Each and every inch of the Wolkite-Tegede territory will be the property to the native people as the Alemwuha, alamata, Raya-azebo and other areas in wello will be part of wello, too.

No one will breath naturally and take rest as long as all territories are returned to their native region/province.

AyaNayzgi said...

Thank you for you kind words and encouragement.

Anonymous said...

I hope you talk about the Amhara settlers moving in as well.
We the people of Wolqait are tired of supporting settlers who are Amhara and Tigray.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to get this website. I am so pleasant to talke about my home land Welkait-Tsegedie. Thank you to those who working on this web site. Welkat Tsegedie woukd back to its native people sooner or later.peace, love, and prosperity would come to our land.But this all wouldn`t come with out effort. So let we people of this beautiful land fight weyanie.
I am with u people.