Jul 5, 2007

Mass Arrest of Ethiopians in Sudan

Following the news of the Ethiopia handing over its lands to Sudan, the Sudanese government has started door-to-door search arresting Ethipoians suspected of sympathising with opposition political groups such as the EPPF. Many people particularly those of the Wolqait-Tegede origin have been targeted and are currently in detention by Sudanese authorities. Some have managed to escape this crackdown and are currently in hiding.

According to the news report by Sudan Tribune, the Ethiopian government has agreed to hand over the lands to the Sudan while Sudan would return the favor by imprisoning Ethiopians suspected of sympathising with Ethiopian political opposition groups.

Sources close to me indicate that some of my family members and relatives have either been incarcerated or are in hiding at the moment.

Ethiopians in the Diaspora (USA, Europe, and Australia) should contact their respected representatives and senators and demand to voice their concern and halt of this human rights abuses.

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