Apr 14, 2006

Letter to the Free Press

Click here to read the letter that was sent out to some free press media outlets.

I am not exactly sure when this letter was released but I suppose it was one or two years ago. Regardless of the timing, we can see that our plight for help dates back long time ago. In fact it dates back as far as into the 1970s when the TPLF first took control of the areas.

Unlike to most part of the country, the TPLF led dictatorial regime has been killing, arresting, and torturing the people of Wolqait-Tegede for more than 30 years. Our people have fought day-in and day-out since the TPLF set its foot on our land. Nevertheless, there was no support from the other parts of the country to embrace our struggle and stand with us for the Ethiopian cause.

So, can we afford to stand still and watch while our next-door country men and women are fighting to death?

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